Sunday, August 24, 2014


     Alhamdulillah, I am writing the last entry for this post which is conclusion. I feel relieved after finishing this last entry. Honestly, this blog's topic has fully exposed me to the world's unique burials. I can improve my knowledge about the variety of cultures and traditions from the entire world. There are a few of the rituals that have scared me to death as they involve creepy activities in order to complete the burial rituals. I don't expect that there are some cultures that practice eating the human flesh, finger amputation, and the other unique burial rituals. They are out of my mind and yet, interesting to be known. I hope the objectives that I have mentioned earlier in the introduction post will be reached successfully with the existence of this blog. So I hope that this blog will be beneficial to all you and made you have clear understanding about the unique burial traditions of various ethnics and cultures from all over the world. I sincerely hope that my lecturer of this subject(Digital & Mobile Communication), Madam Hawinda binti Karmon will feel satisfied with my work since I have put extra efforts in designing this blog and researching the unique burials that I can share to the readers from all cultures all over the world. So, thank you so much for reading.     

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