Sunday, August 24, 2014

Traditional Chinese Burial

     Well hye! So for this entry, I will generously explain about the traditional Chinese burial customs. According to my knowledge, I know that Chinese does not practice cremation in their society. However, Chinese takes the burial matter in a serious way in their society. The improper funeral steps can cause a bad fortune and disaster on the family of the deceased. Chinese funeral rites and burial customs are normally determined by the age of the deceased, cause of death, status and position in society and according to their marital status.

     According to one of the Chinese customs, the elder should never show respect to someone younger than them. If the deceased is a young bachelor, for instance, his body is prohibited from bringing back home and must remain at the funeral parlor. His parents must not perform prayers to their son. Since he is unmarried, he does not have any children to perform the prayer to him. This is the reason why the body cannot be brought into the family home. Unfortunately, if an infant or child is meeting his death, no funeral rites will be performed as respect cannot be shown to a younger person.The child will be buried in silence situation. It is really heartbreaking, isn't it?

     A traditional Chinese burial begins before a death occurs. The coffin will be served to the deceased. Before being placed in the coffin, the corpse will be cleaned with a damp towel dusted with talcum powder and dressed in his or her best clothes. All of the other clothes of the deceased are going to be burnt. In addition, a white cloth is hung over the doorway to the house and a gong is placed to the left of the entrance if the deceased is a male and to the right is female.

The funeral of the Chinese culture - courtesy of Google

So I guess that's all for this entry. Hope you will enjoy reading this entry. Happy reading!

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