Thursday, August 21, 2014

Skull Burial - Kiribati

   Hye! I have another new post to be shared today. I will generously share about the skull burial that is being practiced in Kiribati Island. When someone has died, he or she will be laid out in the home for a few days as a sign of respect from their loved ones. In addition, if someone who has passed away is a renowned person in the community, it will take longer time to keep and place him or her in the house(between three days and more). Next, the body will be buried in the cemetery or near the family's house. Surprisingly, seven months later, the body will be dig out, the skull is going to be removed and after that, it will reburied once again. Mourners oil is used to polished the skulls. The family will offer and treat him or her with food and tobacco. Normally, the family keeps the skull in their house in order to invite the spirit to return. The widow and children of someone who has passed away will sleep and also eat together with the skull to express their love towards him. In addition, it is actually very common to see they carry the skull everywhere they go.

The picture shows the old generation of Kiribati Island people live together with the skull- courtesy of Google

The skulls in Kiribati Island - courtesy of Google

     So far, this is the most amazing burial tradition that I have ever explored. I can't imagine how people live together with skulls for the rest of their life. Can you imagine it?  It is amazing and scary, too. I can't stand to stare at those skulls for longer time. For the sake of love, it has been proven that human are able to do anything even after their loved ones are gone forever. So that's all the information that I can provide for this entry. Hope you enjoy reading it!

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