Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Let's get started!

     First of all,alhamdulillah, finally I am writing my first entry. This is just a simple introduction and a little teaser about my blog's topic which is World's Unique Burials. The existence of this blog is mainly aimed to fulfill my assignment needs in Digital and Mobile Communication subject that is being taught by Madam Hawinda binti Karmon. I will humbly explain and sincerely share knowledge about the world's unique burials in my next entries. All of these traditions have sent me to feel extremely impressive because they have never crossed over my mind before. I just got to know about a few of burial traditions before this.

This blog is created with this bizarre topic as to reach its three objectives which are :

  • To be exposed with the uniqueness of burials custom all over the world
  • To get to know what people from different cultures believe in practicing the variety of burial method in their community
  • To increase the readers' knowledge about the differences of the unique way of burial traditions all around the world as they come from various places

     So, I am hoping that this blog is going to improve people's knowledge about the unique burials all over the world and beneficial to all of you. Happy reading and kindly leave some comments to make this blog more interesting!


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