Sunday, August 24, 2014


     Hye readers! We meet again at twelve entry for this blog. So for now, I will share to all of you about the worst death ritual ever. It is called Endocannibalism. Why is this Endocannibalism terrible? This is because it is a practice where people will eat their own dead. The tribes in South America and Australia are known for practicing this creepy ritual. According to my recent research, I have found out that endocannibalism is an ancient ritual which involves in eating the flesh of a family member of friend who has passed away. Doesn't it sound scary? For me, yes it is. The tribes that practice this type of ritual believe that with eating the flesh of the dead will enable them to absorb the loved one's wisdom through the ritual. 

     This ritual is heavily focusing on women and children to consume the flesh of Fore males. To those who consume this must follow certain protocol for instance, a woman has to eat her brother's brain or the hands of her brother-in-law in order to complete this ritual. The consumption of each body parts symbolized the different ability that they will get from the dead person that he had during his lifetime. In India, few tribes were known to eat the human flesh because they believe that they can get the supernatural powers and immortality. 

The picture shows the endocannibalism ritual that involves the eating of human flesh - courtesy of Google
So I think that's all I can provide for this entry. Honestly, this type of burial scared me to death. I can't imagine how people have appetite to eat the human flesh, moreover, the flesh is their family members' of friends'. Creepy, isn't it? So that's all. Happy reading!

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