Sunday, August 24, 2014


     Hello readers! Here we meet again in this entry. So today, I will share with all of you about one of the unique burials in Madagascar which is called Famadihana. It is also known as "turning of the bones". This festival is celebrated every seven years or so which family crypts are going to be opened up and the remaining of dead ancestors will be taken out in order to wrap them with a new cloth. The most interesting part of this burial is, the Malagasy will dance with the corpses cheerfully in joy. In addition, the live music will be played, animals are sacrificed and meat is distributed to all of guests and the family members. The elders have responsibility to explain to their children about the importance of the dead who are lying before them. Famadihana is considered as a day to show and express your feeling to the family how much you love them. 

The picture shows Malagasy are happily dancing with the dead during
Famadihana festival - courtesy of Google

     According to their belief, people do not create from mud, but from bodies of the ancestors. They also believe that unless the body is fully decomposed, the deceased do not leave this world permanently and available to communicate with the living. So, until the time they are gone forever, love and affection towards them are shown through the Famadihana festival. This festival is quite costly to be conducted. Some people believe that the expensive cost to carry out this Famadihana festival is such a waste, some may believe that it is impossible to talk to the deceased. In a good way, some people believe that Famadihana festival has the ability to strengthen the family's bonding between the generations.

The Malagasy are carrying the dead during Famadihana
festival - courtesy of Google

So what is your honest opinion on this type of burial? As for me, I think it is very interesting because the best part of this festival is dancing with corpse. It is fascinating because I think they are very brave to go near the dead body. This is very impressive, I think. So that's all for this entry. Before I finish writing, I will delightedly share to you a video about this Famadihana festival. Happy watching!

                          The video shows about the Famadihana festival - courtesy of Youtube

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