Sunday, August 24, 2014

Ritual Finger Amputation

     Well hye readers! Here we come the next entry for this blog. So now, I mean to share to all of you about the ritual finger amputation which is famous in Papua, Indonesia. This ritual of Dani tribe is totally true. Sounds creepy? Yes it is. It is also painful. The members of this tribe normally cut off their fingers as a sign of expressing their sadness at funeral ceremonies. Come along with the finger amputation, they also smeared their faces with ashes and clay which symbolized the feeling of sorrow.

     It is not so surprising to see most women of this tribe involve with this kind of ritual. If the deceased is believed and considered to be extra powerful, their spirits will contain equal power too. In order to win over these spirits, several shocking practices must be followed by members of the tribe. Girls who are related to the deceased will have their upper part of their fingers been cut off. Before the fingers are cut off, they will be tied with a string for over 30 minutes. After the amputation ritual, the finger tips will be left to dry, before they are burned and after that, their ashes will be buried in a special place in Papua. 

     As for me, honestly I feel scared to see their fingers are cut off in order to express their sadness because they have experienced the loss of their loved ones. So what about you? How do you feel about this type of burial? I am hoping that you will enjoy reading this entry. Happy reading!

The picture shows the Dani woman whose fingers are cut off as a sign of grief - courtesy of Google

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